Lawsuit Abuse Awareness Week 2024

October 7-11, 2024

Lawsuit Abuse Awareness Week is about shining a light on the injustices plaguing our civil justice system. Join us as we highlight abuses and misuses of our courts and help us open a dialogue on why education surrounding lawsuit abuse is much needed. 

Lawsuits are not the answer – join the conversation online using #LawsuitAbuseAwarnessWeek.

Flaming Orange Gavel Judicial Hellholes Registered Trademark ATR American Tort Reform Foundation

The American Tort Reform Foundation’s annual Judicial Hellholes report shines its brightest spotlight on the worst abuses of the civil justice system across the country.

Lawsuit Abuse Awareness Week occurs the first full week of October each year. Lawsuit Abuse Awareness Week highlights abuses and misuses of the American civil justice system by highlighting specific instances of lawsuit abuse and encouraging public discourse and education surrounding lawsuit abuse. Lawsuit Abuse Awareness Week 2024 is October 7-11, 2024.